Monday, June 21, 2010

Today will be our last full day in Varazdin. It had been in our plans to visit a National Park famous for it's waterfalls, but that was not the plan of God and I can now see why. Ray will finish the storage building today with his new friend Darko. The kids and I are looking forward to time in the square looking for a present for Keri. It will be a nice slow day - something we all need, though I'm certain the falls would have been beautiful - maybe next time.

Yesterday was our Big American Meal after morning services. Morris and Rod were happy to have 7 readers come. Several even came to worship as well. Mladen asked us to share with the congregation something meaningful about our time here. There were many tears from both our teams as well as the members. Some we have formed deep bonds with in just a little time. Especially Ray and Kristin have built close new friends. We made tacos for lunch again by Mladen's request. They seemed to enjoy them, though some were skeptical.

After saying all our goodbyes and an afternoon nap, we all enjoyed dinner together at a restaurant on the park. You can eat outside and it's nice, but Matt didn't bring a jacket (hence the FB quote) so we were inside - still nice. Dinner was followed by ice cream and we walked back to the church through a few cold rain drops.

Previous to yesterday was baseball. We spent two hours on the field practicing and playing a game. Even the adults present took a turn hitting in the end. It was a fun afternoon and the kids seem to enjoy seeing us and playing again. They wondered where Morris and Michelle were. (He had another Migraine/vertigo spell). Afterwards we enjoyed pizza at Mladen's with several church members who came to play baseball, as well as the lady who organized baseball last year.

I believe that is all for now. Thank you all for reading the blog. I often felt like Kavan, 'writing far too much for far too few' - but I know those who are close to us, or have been here are interested and I thank you for that. I apologize for possible grammar and spelling. I usually didn't have time to re-read my typing. What a blessing technology is! Knowing we could share stories via the blog and hear your comments and encouragements was wonderful. Thank you again. See you soon!

(If time allows, I will try and post a few more pictures this afternoon or evening.)

1 comment:

  1. Please never be concerned about writing too much for too few. Following your travels, has shown me how God can work through those who are willing, as well as, challenging me to be more willing.
