Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today we will finally play some baseball! We are looking forward to a BBQ at Jura's (some of you know what that means :-)) and then an afternoon of baseball. It turns out God's plan was for frisbee this year, not so much baseball. When we arrived Mladen explained some strife within the village between kids loving to play baseball, the baseball organizer, and Mladen vs. the parents who hold a strong, traditional Catholic background. So for this year we take two steps back and one step forward. Change and openness comes slowly to most of us. We must remember that these people are being challenged by our beliefs. We must be sensitive and patient and allow God to do the planning, not us. We'll look forward to sharing pictures of our afternoon.

I want to share with you about yesterday as well. Kristin led a great devo on spiritual gifts and identifying our own. We spent some time talking about our own gifts and their role in this time here. God is good, of course, and He has truly used the gifts of all 9 of us in the past 6 weeks. I know as you hear the stories and patiently sit through the pictures and presentations you will see the use of the gifts as well.

Yesterday afternoon Ray and I were fortunate to visit a gypsy village where one of the church members lives. What an eye opening experience of the work here in Croatia. It was a little hard to describe, and may be better for a face to face story, but I was touched by the desire for us to be in their home. We are so often hung up on what we don't have in the U.S. 'I can't have her over because she'll see my house' - that kind of thinking. The joy and hospitality will stick with me for a long time. Sorry that is vague, but it is all I have processed thus far.

In the evening Kristin, Molly, and I hosted a lady's tea for the women of the church. We didn't know what to expect and I simply prayed that the women would feel comfortable in this unusual setting and feel compelled to share their stories of coming to be a part of a church. There were 3 of us, 5 church members, 1 member from the Zagreb church, and 1 guest of a church member. It was a very special time. Again, hard to describe, but I am confident you all know the feeling of the Spirit working. The three of us shared our very different stories of growing up and becoming a part of the Manhattan church. (I joked with Rod later that my story was very short - "I was born in Manhattan, went to the church all my life, the end.) Anyway, then was the moment of truth, would they participate as well? All I can say is there are far, far too many details to possibly remember and accurately write down. I sat amazed as every single woman told her story for the next two hours. And it was not just the short versions - for they have very complicated stories here. A LOT has happened in the past 20 years in Croatia. We heard of divorce, alcoholism, death, physical and sexual abuse, war, communism, poverty, pride, cults.....I could go on. It was simply amazing. In the end I told them how thankful I was for their sharing and honesty and laughter and the memories and lessons we will all have from that time. Even though we all have different stories they all end with Jesus and our desire to follow Him. Afterwards a lady told me I was glowing with the Spirit, let me tell you, that's all it could have been because this little introvert was totally exhausted after all that! Seriously, though, what a compliment. It was truly God who planted the idea in my mind and blessed it through its entirety.

Sorry to be repetitive, but again, we cannot thank you enough for your prayers, and words, and financial support. None of this is possible without that! God is good! See you soon. We are off to another day!


  1. The women sharing their stories brought tears to my eyes. I was right there with you in the room. I told Matt to tell you I prayed through that time for you all. Even though you felt exhausted after it, I'm sure you feel it was worth it. You may think your story is short, but I see that you have a very long and full story to tell. I'm positive that story includes personal stuggles and victories. You are still writing your story & that ladies group is part of it. Don't short change the life God has blessed you with, you have a BIGGER story of peace & victory to share. Love you!
