Monday, June 21, 2010

Better Late Than Never

So Laura said I should blog because my mom would love to read it. Here it goes...

There is so much to write about, almost overwhelming because I have gotten way behind in doing so. Yesterday (Sunday 6-20-10) was awesome, so much going on. In the morning we had services (in Croatian for the most part). Rod gave a great lesson about Jesus and when he was tempted by the devil out of Luke 4. It had been requested that we sing some songs in english so the congregation could hear some songs that they are familiar with in english. We sung Step By Step and the Greatest Commands. Josip, one of the members, was even prepared enough to have brought a voice recorder and recorded us singing. You can hear Molly over everybody else mostly because Josip was sitting right behind her. It sounds great even though it's on a hand-held recorder. After worship we had our "Great American Lunch" which consisted of soft-shelled tacos with the fixins. During and after lunch I primarily was playing cards with the kids. We played Texas Hold'em and I taught them how to play Liar Liar. It was a lot of fun.

I've made some great friends during my time here. I'm seriously considering coming back next summer for their summer camp for the whole church, Mladen askes me almost everyday to come to camp this year. I know God has been working through me on this trip in little ways and big ways. He has confirmed that I need to find a job or something that deals with working with kids and/or people in general. Last week Kristin presented I Corinthians 12 in our morning devo and challenged us to try to figure out what our spiritual gift(s) are. Me being the goofball that I am said that I have the gift of "fun." Everybody has constantly been thanking me for the time that I spend with the youth. It almost feels like I'm cheating the system because I'm having just as much fun as they are when I'm with them, it doesn't feel like I'm working or even serving, just that I'm having fun. At the same time I see many challenges that lie ahead of me if that is where God wants me to go. I'm a little apprehensive but know that He will show me the way. I'm a firm believer that God will get us where He wants us to go no matter how we get there, remember the story of Jonah? ;-) I am very grateful for everything He has put in my way, I wouldn't be the person I am right now without the paths He has laid out before me whether they were fun/happy/sad/hi/low/or whatever it may be.

Today is our last full day in Varazdin, it seems like we've been here longer than just a few weeks, like this is our home, it doesn't feel temporary though there is the knowledge that it is gnawing at the back of my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Laura was right - Matt's mom DID love to read it. I didn't realize who was writing until I read, "Me being the goofball that I am...having the gift of 'fun.'" That was a dead give-away. :) I've prayed this would be a life-changing experience for all involved, and sounds as though my prayers have already been answered.
    May the Lord richly bless the rest of your time in Croatia!
