Monday, June 14, 2010

Mom always said, "Don't throw rocks!"

Sunday was a very busy day here.  Before worship we helped peel approximately 10 lb of potatoes for Mladen's dad.  He cooked "goulash" (we would call it beef stew) for the entire church +3 other congregations.  It's wonderful stuff!  In the afternoon I taught the smaller children a lesson on Jonah.  Several kids I remembered from last year.  We had fun making little whales.  Meanwhile, Ray and Matt led a class/discussion for the teenagers.  They shared their stories of growing up in church and how their upbringing effects their lives now.  They said it was difficult to get the kids to talk, but felt they were able to convey their message.

In the evening Rod, Matt, Kristin, and Molly enjoyed a concert by Jura and his orchestra.  It contained many American movie and cartoon themes.  We would have loved to go, but the kids were at melt-down stage, so we stayed home for a movie and popcorn, cheese, apples and ice cream.

Today, Monday, was finally our first "normal" day.  We began with an devo and were joined by Dejan.  Then, as Rod and Morris,  began reading we began moving "gravel" inside the forms for the concrete pad for the storage shed.  I put gravel in quotes because it's a loose term for gravel in American eyes.  When the dump truck brought it this morning we just starred at each other.  To put it in perspective, about half of the rocks are the size of my fist, with a few more the size of both my fists, with the remaining rocks slightly larger than typical American gravel for a road.  At this point I must honor our students for their hard work this morning.  I have not yet told you that the gravel is on the opposite side of a chain link fence from the building site.  So for a couple hours this morning.  We used our hands to throw the rocks over the fence and into the forms to prepare for concrete coming tomorrow.  They didn't complain!  :-)  They were awesome.  I did hear one of Rod's readers as I prepared lunch ask, "What are they doing out there?"  Ha!

I will post pictures of all these events in the future.  Now that you are updated and I am prepared for the kids' activities tonight, I must go continue to move rocks.  As always, thank you for your prayers, comments and emails.  They are truly working and encouraging and I know we all look forward to sharing more personal stories when we return.

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