Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Good morning! As a day ends for you, another is beginning for us. We are nearing the end of the week and that means nearing the end of our work here. The days are being filled with meetings, events, meals, projects, and obligations as time is running out. For this entry I will post several pictures and share news with you via the captions. Initially, I will give an update on the LST team (since they never update their blog :-)) They are doing great. During the day the church building is like a bee hive with people coming and going constantly for all sorts of purposes. It is clear as an observer they have made a great difference. Their readers are joyful when they arrive and often stay late. The tone of the conversation is often very deep and serious - though of course I don't hear the words. At their party last night there was lots of laughter and smiles. It is amazing to watch the interaction between Croatian people. They easily converse and welcome a new individual to the group. I have witnessed this many times.

The following pictures are a sequence of Ray's project of building the tool shed ("lawn mower cabin") You can see the "gravel" I previously blogged about, followed by establishing a well, and pouring the concrete.

Maja and Renata enjoying a marshmallow. A rare treat in Croatia. :-)

Luca. Frisbees are constantly flying around here!

Matt's standard position. Either pushing kids on the swing set, kicking a soccer ball, or catching frisbees. Sounds like an ideal mission trip, right? He is tired at the end of the day. If the kids are around, there is a constant, "Matt! Matt! Matt!" Which they pronounce "Mott" :-)

Rod, The "LST Almighty" :-)
This quilt was given away at the LST party last night. The man examining it is a tailor.
We have the best lunch lady! She cooks for us every day and it is alway different and alway good. I look forward to telling you her story more when we return.


  1. The pictures are such a great overview of life there. I can sense God's Spirit in each one...even hours of throwing rocks. Blessings. Love you all

  2. I gasped when I say the "taylor" inspecting the quilt! lol Thanks for keeping us updated. Seeing all the pictures keeps us connected to you even more. Take a deep breath and "be still" in God over these next few days that you have left. Love you!
