Friday, July 3, 2009

Top of the First!

And so baseball has was a really wonderful day.  When we first planned for baseball we were told to expect 15 to 20 kids.  Later we were told maybe 30 kids.  Today we counted at least 65!  We had a great time.  Baseball is a hit!  (ha ha)  They are excited to learn.  After introductions we taught them Deep & Wide.  Lots of smiles and giggles.  We started with catching, throwing, and hitting with the kids divided into three groups.  Some of the boys really caught on quickly.  They were all excited to know they could come back tomorrow for more.  We're told the newspaper and television were called to come watch our game on Wednesday.  

This afternoon we were treated to a great meal by Mladen's father.  It is exciting to tell you his mother and father have recently attended worship services with the Varazdin church.  The church members are so thankful for us being here.  We are looking forward to a meal with the congregation and some members from the Zagreb church on Sunday.  Tomorrow Jura has invited us to his home to celebrate the 4th of July.  He is excited to cook for us since he knows this is a big day in the US.  We are looking forward to spending time with his family and some of his military co-workers.

We can't thank you enough for your support and prayers.  The Spirit is listening to you and speaking through us.  I will try and post pictures from Jura's home tomorrow.  Thank you all!

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