Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July from Croatia!  Here are some pictures of the trip thus far.  It is a chore to get them to this computer so I don't know how many I'll be able to share.  We are having a wonderful time.  Thank you for your prayers.  We look forward to sharing stories when we return.  The second day of baseball provided a great scrimmage game.  The older kids, especially the boys, are really catching on quickly.  They are doing a great job of hitting.  The fielding is a little more challenging.  A batter is usually assured getting to third base with each hit.  :-)  Our lesson today was Fruits of Spirit.  Patience was the focus of the day as the children waited for their ice cream.  We may need to review that concept again Monday.  :-)  Tomorrow we will begin work with the Varazdin children in the afternoon.  Children from Zagreb will join us as well.  This means we will have been in contact with approximately 80 different children from four different towns or villages.  This is an amazing number since we originally thought we may have 15 to 20 at the very most.  I can see the Sower's Seeds flying in all directions being carried by the Spirit's Wind.  We pray they land on fertile soil in the hearts, homes, and villages of these warm, open, receptive, and impressionable children. 

Our team with the Dominic family.  This is the day we arrived.

Childrens' laughter is the same in all languages!

Rachel and Hannah making American Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Thumbs up for baseball!

Mryna our catcher, she's a natural.  She taps her shoes with the bat before 
she hits - says that's "just like in the movies".

Safe on first, ready to run!

Wet from a downpour during the first scrimmage. 
Having today's 4th of July treat, ice cream!

Pitcher Ray

Jonathan drew a picture of a boat for this kid.
We've nick-named him Harvard because of his long hair.  :-)

Our classroom.

End of the game High Fives.

The little ones practicing throwing.

The middle aged group practicing catching.

The cowboy hats.  And yes, we wear them while we play - sometimes.  :-)


  1. We are so glad to hear from you and see pictures of all the kids! We're impressed that with your excellent planning for 30, you are able to have enough loaves and fishes for God's planned 80!

    We'll continue praying for you and look forward to hearing more about your adventures!

    Giddy-up, Ray! Hat looks great :-).


  2. Okay, we'll try this again. Having trouble getting logged in.
    Just wanted you to know the pictures are great. Looks like you are all doing a great job. We are praying for you everyday. Jacob has even remembered to pray for you on his own :) Tell Rachel and Jonathan we have a small bag of fireworks waiting for them when they get back. We will continue to pray for your physical strenght as it has to be exhausting interacting not only with that many children, but with the language barriers too. You all are awesome! Can't wait to hear about your God moments!
