Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's 1 am here and I'm having my first ever jet-lag. So....I'll catch you up a little on our trip so far. It's been great! We hade very easy travel getting here. We made all our connections and all our bags made it with us too. We have a busy schedule ahead of us. Today Molly and Kavan arrived and their travel was smooth as well. Tonight we spent a few hours at a church member's home for their weekly prayer meeting. Lots of prayer, lots of tears, lots of laughter, and lots of Croatian cookies! It was delightful. We are so thankful God has allowed us to be a part of His work here. It really is exciting to see what He has done in the past several years. They have come so far and they have such a bright future. They are truly our church family, there is no doubt. We only wish we could accurately describe those feelings to both those here and those at home.

Tomorrow we will register our stay with the police, have lunch with Molly and Kavan, and church in the evening. I'll also probably spend some time being beat by Rahela at her Wall-E video game. She is the third youngest and outgoing enough for herself as well as Hana and Rajan combined. Her English has improved so much we can communicate about pretty much anything. She did learn a new term today, "fieldtrip", since we knew Rachel and Papa were on a fieldtrip Monday. We have several visits planned to more church members this week, as well as a mini-marriage seminar Friday night, Baseball on Saturday, and kids' camp on Sunday. Then, home Monday. It will all fly by and we are trying to enjoy every moment.

Last night we took some time with Mladen and Renata and told them some stories about our humbling fundraising and some specific individual stories - you know who you are! - they were touched and overwhelmed. The funds we brought to share with them are clearly sent from God through you, so thank you on their behalf.

I must try and sleep now or I will regret it in the morning. Thank you for your prayers and meaniful support. We are thankful to be a part of this wonderful church.

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going so well for all of you so far. May they continue to go well. May He use you to bring Himself glory and honor and praise. Much love to you all.
