Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thank You!

We wish to thank all of you for your tremendous support during our fundraising this spring. We are excited for our adventure to begin on Wednesday. Thank you for praying as we travel and begin our work. With 5 of us, plus Rachel and Jonathan, on the team this year, there should be plenty of blogging and lots of stories and pictures for you to enjoy while we're gone.

We are looking forward to spending lots of time with children and the members of the Varazdin church and community. We will be playing baseball for just two days this year, but we hope for some "pick up games" in the evenings. We will conduct a "Super Saturday" of children's events for several churches in the surrounding area. We will also be having "VBS" style events for the children of the community as well as the children of the LST readers (there is a team there right now), based on bible stories and creating opportunities for them to practice English. Kristin and I are looking forward to organizing a Ladies Day of spending quality time with the women of the congregation and perhaps the female LST readers too. Mladen has also asked Ray for two specific jobs. He would like him to share his story of growing up in the church thru being a Christian business owner and father. Ray, and others too, will also be working on a storage shed (they call it "a cabin for the lawn mower" :-)) while we are there. And finally we've been asked to make another "Big American Meal" for the church members; and the LST readers will be invited for that as well. Lots to do in less than two weeks!!! We're excited to be busy and to get on the plane to come home feeling, "thoroughly used up".

Thank you for your interest and support in our trip. It's a blessing to have the experience, and to share it with you through this outlet.

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