Saturday, July 11, 2009

Today we begin our final full day in Varazdin.  Late last night we returned from a quick trip to the coast and island of Krk.  It was beautiful, but very much a tourist attraction.  The kids swam in the Adriatic sea and we saw a lot of the beautiful countryside on our 5 hour bus trip to and from.

This afternoon we will make our "Big American Meal" for the church members.  I guess we should call it our Big "North" American meal because we are making Mexican food!  The members are excited to come and we are excited to do something for them since they have done so much for us.  It has also turned out to be a great chance to invite non-members to an event at the building.  The lady who organized baseball in Brezje will come too.  We are getting ready to walk to an open air market for our fresh produce for the meal.  

Ray is putting together the playground this morning as a surprise to the kids at the meal today.  As I type, he is walking to a Home Depot-like store for a wrench.  So since he is not looking over my shoulder I will take a moment to brag on him.  I know you have been praying (and fasting ;-) ) for him.  It's been obvious.  Those of you who know him, know this trip was WAY out of his comfort zone.  He has clearly been touched by the Spirit to not only function but participate wholly in this trip.  We have had great team dynamics and the Spirit has used that as a witness to others.  We have heard comments several times about how special it is we came as an extended family and how well we get along.  Even though several generations typically live together in the culture, they don't always get along well.  This has been a great example to the many we've come into contact with.

That is all for now.  We will be very sad to leave tomorrow, but we really look forward to sharing more with you when we return home.  When I have my own computer I will be able to easily post more pictures too.  Thanks for being patient.  I know there are several of you who are anxious to see the pictures. :-)

Thank you too for your prayers and comments and notes of encouragement.  They really do mean a lot.  It's nice to know someone on the other side of the world is thinking of us.  Please continue your prayers for safety.  We will begin our journey home after church tomorrow morning and should arrive in Kansas City around 5:30 Monday evening.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for giving your heart, mind and strength to what you have been lead to do. Too many of us don't or wait because what our sight says is that what is before us "isn't a good fit", when faith is letting God show us how we do "fit". You have blessed us by showing us a tangible example of faith in practice. Blessings as you weave your way through the emotions of the last couple days and as you enter the portal and negotiate the transition that will bring you back to life in the Heartland. Love you all.
