Monday, June 29, 2009

Above: the Elders of our church pray for our team.
Below: Rachel & Jonathan with some of the donated baseball equipment.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Today we are doing serious packing and organizing for our departure early Tuesday morning. Besides our carry-ons we now have one checked bag with all the baseball equipment. It is full to the 50lb limit! I must admit to giggling a little as I packed the checked bag. I can only imagine the reactions of friends from High School if they knew Laura Crisler (who never did a sport in her life!) was going to teach kids how to play baseball.

While completing our last minute lists and calls and sorting I am overwhelmed by the funds that continue to come in. We are in awe of the generosity of so many of you. At the same time we can't help but wonder what God has in mind for this trip. Why has He given us more money than we asked for? What are we supposed to do with it? I feel compelled to share with you the amazing ways God has blessed us through our fundraising. He alone could provide such blessings and we are immensely thankful.

We started our fundraising in February. We planned for three fundraising events and then prayerfully left the rest up to God. We conducted freewill soup suppers four times in February, the Teens of our congregation put on a Sweethearts Dinner for Valentine's Day, and we sold Easter sugar cookies in April. These events totaled $4175. Our initial budget of plane tickets, food, class supplies, playground materials, etc. was (and still is) $7485.00. Each of our families committed to personally paying for half of our plane ticket costs. As of Friday, our financial support totals an amazing $11,155.50. This support came from approximately 70 individuals or families.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " ~ Jeremiah 29:11

I want to share with you how we have specifically been supported by some:

1. One family offered to cover the expense of sending our belongings ahead of us. We had planned to do this to simplify the airport and going through customs with two children. We have confirmation that our boxes arrived safely. This was a blessing for which we cannot say thank you enough.

2. Two families wished to fund the building of the playground. One of these families sacrificially gave of their own savings which was intended to build a "fort" in their own backyard. I cannot wait to share this story and their family picture with the children in Varazdin.

3. Another woman who lives in low-income housing gave me a crumpled envelope with $20. While this might seem a small donation, it was truly an example of a widow giving all she had.

4. Another special friend handed me yet another envelop with cash. She too has seen a life of trials, but God has worked in her heart and the Spirit just gushes out of her. At the time she was living in a shelter but recently got a job driving a taxi. Her instructions were to use the money to cover all our taxi fares..."from one taxi driver to another" she said.

5. Friends through Ray's work insisted on supporting us despite knowing we had met our goals. Their generous check for $500 will most certainly bless the lives of people in Croatia.

6. A very special family to us also sacrificially gave $500. Their check came with special instructions. Each adult was given $100 and each child $50. We are asked to use the money for a need we observe when we arrive. I am excited to share the stories of this money when we return.

7. Another couple very special to us gave us their entire tax return - $300.

8. A business owner in Wamego donated a large piece of luggage to transport all the baseball equipment.

9. And finally, one gentleman offered to purchase K-State baseball hats for the kids to wear while they are learning baseball. He not only purchased them, but paid to ship them as well.

I could go on and on. I hope you see here how God is working already. When our "feet are on the ground" I'm sure there will be more stories to tell.

It is just not enough to tell you all thank you for your support, so I hope you read between the lines because the Spirit is there whispering.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

We are nine days away from leaving for Croatia. Seems this time would never arrive - yet here it is; time to pack and hope we don't forget anything! I want to give you an update on our work, fundraising, and plans.

Our focus has shifted a little since our original plans were ensued. One of Mladen's dreams is to have an "LST-style" camp for children in the village where he grew up and where his parents still live. For those who don't know, LST is a program where adults can practice their English skills using a workbook based on the book of Luke. It has been a very successful program all over the world, and it is how our church was originally connected to the Varazdin church.

Originally we planned to do a week of lessons for children in the Varazdin church. Our theme was "Walking With Jesus". We had activities centered around maps, passports, suitcases, and some of the events within Jesus' ministry. All of these materials and activities will still be used. Renata will take them with her to camp to teach children from all over Croatia later this summer.

Given Mladen's dream for his village and his desire for us to teach children baseball while we are there a new plan has been formed. We will be spending five days (10 am to 1 pm) of our trip in the village teaching bible lessons and the game of baseball. We are all excited about this, especially now that there is a general plan established. We even discovered a children's devotional book based around baseball. Since Mladen has assured us all the kids know the basic stories of the Bible (they have Catholic-based bible classes at school) we have focused our lessons on Christian living, actions, words, and being an example to others. The children will be creating books with the bible stories, the baseball terms, etc. These will be in English and Croatian in hopes of improving their English. Our plan is to have four days of learning the basics of the game with the final day being a "real" baseball game. Should be a great time!! Oh, and I almost forgot, Mladen has also asked us to bring cowboy hats. In his words, "it will be a great hit, they love cowboys here!" Should be some comical pictures! Thanks to Dave and Jan Vanderbilt for donating hats for us to ship and wear.

We have not forgotten the Varazdin children! Michelle and Laura will be teaching the children during three worship times at the Varazdin church. We are looking forward to this as it will give the women who ALWAYS teach the children a deserved break. And, of course, we still plan to build a play structure for the church yard in Varazdin. We will probably spend most afternoon and evenings on this project.

Time to pray: please pray for us this week that we are patient with each other. I know as the time nears tension may be high as Ray wraps up things at work and I try to plan for international travel with two small children. Pray for dad and his migraines. He's had several in recent weeks. It would be a blessing if he did not have any while we are gone. Pray we remain united as a Team and that Satan is not allowed a foothold in our attitudes or communication. We will try and update this blog while we are gone. I hope we have internet available so you who have so generously supported us can know how things are going.

With such a focus on children, I keep being reminded:
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.